I Have Know Idea Where Im Going in My Life?? You Have Know Idea Either

 ZNO English Exercise Test 8

Job ane

Y'all are going to read an article nigh the actress Harriet Walter.
For questions 1-viii, cull the answer А-D which you think fits best according to the text.

Acting minus the drama

Harriet Walter has written a fascinating book about her profession. Benedicte Page reports.

It is not often that an experienced actor with a high public profile will sit down to reply in depth the ordinary theatregoer's questions: how do you put together a character which isn't your ain?; what is it like to perform the same play dark subsequently dark?; or simply, why practise you practise it? Harriet Walter was prompted to write Other People'southward Shoes: Thoughts on Acting past a sense that many people'southward interest in theatre extended across the telescopic of entertainment chit-conversation. 'I was asked very intelligent, probing questions by people who weren't in the profession, from taxi drivers to dinner-party hosts to people in shopping queues. Information technology made me realise that people have an interest in what we do which goes beyond prove business concern gossip,' she says.

Other People s Shoes avoids insider gossip and, mostly, autobiography: 'If events in my life had had a huge direct influence, I would accept put them in, merely they didn't,' Harriet says, though she does explain how her parents' divorce was a factor in her career. But the focus of the volume is to share - remarkably openly -the inside experience of the stage and the rehearsal room, aiming to supervene upon the false sense of mystery with a more realistic agreement and respect for the profession.

'There'southward a certain double edge to the publicity an role player can go in the newspapers: information technology gives you attention only, by giving information technology to you, simultaneously criticises you,' Harriet says. 'People ask you to talk almost yourself and then say, "Oh, actors are and then self-centred." And the "sound-seize with teeth" variety of journalism, which touches on many things but never allows y'all to get into them in depth, leaves y'all with a sort of shorthand which reinforces prejudices and myths.'

Harriet'southward career began in the 1970s and has included theatre performances with the Purple Shakespeare Company and television and film roles. She writes wittily virtually the embarras¬sments of the rehearsal room, as actors try out their half-formed ideas. And she is at pains to demystify the theatre: the question 'How practice you do the same play every night?' is answered past a simple comparison with the familiar car journey you lot have every day, which presents a slightly different challenge each fourth dimension. 'I was trying to get everyone to understand information technology isn't this line SO extraordinary mystery and you're non visited by some spiritual inspiration every night.'

Harriet'southward own acting style is to build up a character piece by piece. She says that this process is not widely understood: 'There'southward no intelligent vocabulary out at that place for discussing the arts and crafts of building characters. Reviews of an role player's operation which appear in the newspapers are generally based on whether the reviewer likes the actors or not. Information technology's non virtually whether they are beingness skilful or not, or how intelligent their choices are.'

In that location remains something mysterious about slipping into 'other people'south shoes': 'It's something similar falling in love,' Harriet says. 'When you're in dearest with someone, y'all go in and out of separateness and togetherness. Information technology's similar with acting and you can skid in and out of a character. One time a character has been congenital, information technology remains with you, at the end of a phone line, equally information technology were, waiting for your call.'

Harriet includes her early work in Other People south Shoes - 'I wanted to separate myself from those who say, "What an idiot I was, what a load of nonsense we all talked in those days!"; it wasn't all rubbish, and it has affected how I arroyo my work and my audiences.' And she retains from those days her belief in the vital part of the theatre

one Harriet Walter decided to write her book because she

A was tired of answering people'south questions nigh acting.
B knew people liked to read about prove concern gossip.
C wanted to entertain people through her writing.
D wanted to satisfy people'due south curiosity nigh acting in the theatre.

2 In paragraph two, we acquire that Harriet's book aims to

A correct some of the impressions people have of the theatre.
B relate important details most her own life story.
C analyse the difficulties of a career in the theatre.
D tell the truth about some of the actors she has worked with.

three What problem do actors have with newspaper publicity?

A Information technology never focuses on the actors who deserve it.
B It often does more than harm than good.
C It never reports what actors take actually said.
D It ofttimes makes mistakes when reporting facts.

4 Harriet uses the instance of the machine journey to show that

A acting can be boring besides as rewarding.
B actors do not detect it easy to attempt new ideas.
C actors do not deserve the praise they receive.
D interim shares characteristics with other repetitive activities.

v What does 'it' refer to in paragraph 4?

A facing a different challenge
B taking a familiar car journey
C acting in the same play every night
D working with beau actors

6 Harriet criticises theatre reviewers because they

A practise not give enough recognition to the art of character acting.
B do not realise that some parts are more difficult to act than others.
C cull the wrong kinds of plays to review.
D suggest that certain actors take an easy job.

7 Harriet says that afterwards actors have played a particular character, they.

A may be asked to play other similar characters.
B may get a bit like the character.
C volition never want to play the part again.
D volition never forget how to play the part.

viii What does Harriet say about her early work?

A Information technology has been a valuable influence on the piece of work she has done since.
B It was completely different from the kind of work she does at present.
C She finds it embarrassing to retrieve that menses of her life.
D She is annoyed when people criticise the work she did then.

YOUR Answer
Chore 1
# A B C D


You are going to read a magazine article about a daughter and the task she does.
Vii sentences have been removed from the article.
Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (nine-15).
At that place is one extra judgement which you lot do not need to utilise.

YOUR Reply
Job 2
# A B C D E F G H

Job 3

You are going to read an commodity about people who changed their jobs.
For questions sixteen-30, cull the people A-D.
The people may be chosen more than once.

Chore 3
# A B C D Due east F G H


For questions 31-42, read the text below and decide which answer А-D all-time fits each gap.

Mount climbing

One of the well-nigh difficult but rewarding of pastimes is mount climbing. The mod climber must (31)_____ many unlike skills. Rock climbing (32)_____ a combination of gymnastic ability, imagination and ascertainment, but perhaps the nearly necessary skill is beingness able to (33)_____ out how much weight a particular rock will (34)_____ Mountaineers climb in groups of three or four, each climber at a distance of approximately six metres from the next. Usually one person climbs while the other climbers (35)_____ agree of the rope. The most experienced climber goes first and (36)_____ the other climbers which way to go, making the rope secure and so that it is (37)_____ for the others to follow.

With much mountain climbing, snowfall skills (38)_____ a very important part. Ice axes are used for (39)_____ steps into the snowfall and for testing the ground. Climbers always tie themselves together so that, if the leader falls, he or she can be held by the others and (40)_____ back to condom. The number of dangers (41)_____ by climbers is almost endless. And the (42)_____ of oxygen at high altitudes makes life even more difficult for mountaineers.

31 A own B hold C control D possess
32 A requires B insists C calls D orders
33 A work B try C stand D fix
34 A supply B provide C back up D offering
35 A keep B stay C continue D maintain
36 A indicates B signals C points D shows
37 A rubber B sure C dependable D reliable
38 A act B do C play D brand
39 A cutting B tearing C breaking D splitting
40 A given B pulled C put D sent
41 A marked B touched C felt D faced
42 A need B gap C lack D need
YOUR Respond
Job 4
# A B C D

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